Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here we are

This is the beginning. The start of a trilogy. The ribbon cutting, the birthday, the new car smell the beginning of the century, the new moon, the last spring frost.

It is July in Utah. The smell of a fire in the distance lingers in the air. It is muggy today. What a break in the dry heat. It has been a mild summer. At least the heat hasn't reached above 100 degrees yet. The rain has been scarce. I always think to myself how much we depend on modern water systems when we don't see rain for this long. I miss the thunder storms of the summer. I think we have yet to have one. We have done all the typical July things. We went to Logan for Kurt's birthday with all the kids. Bear Lake was beautiful. The water was crystal blue and I made a killer fruit cobbler in the dutch oven. Of course Kai woke in the middle of the night. I think we have not braved a camp site since he has been born because of how awful of a sleeper he is. Well now that I think of it, we went to a camp out with Braky's school last year with Kai and the kids and one of Brak's friends. Nastasya's birthday is coming up a week from today she reminds me of the count down every day. Oh to be almost twelve. She is grown up for her age and scares me more than you will ever know.

Kai is almost three. 6 days after Tasya. He is our little bam bam. Cute, loves to play in the dirt, comes out to welcome dad home from work in his birthday suit. Got to love him.

As for us. Just working hard. Kurt is pounding away as an Electrical Apprentice. He is petitioning the local legislators to invest in training for renewable energy. I am serving coffee and developing a plan to start a new business. I will be sending everyone I know cards to hand out. I registered for school and will be attending classes at Salt Lake Community College. I want to eventually take classes to become a Community Herbologist. How wonderful that would be. My dream for the future is a community garden on every street that is funded by the government. Far fetched but I guarantee we will be there soon.
Good for now
Have a beautiful day