Monday, August 11, 2008

The start of crazy anxiety, I just gave my notice

I gave my two weeks notice at the coffee shop that I have been working at for the last year and a half. With the start of school around the corner and no idea who was going to watch the kids and might I say after a long wait to see if I got any postings from a Craigslist ad entitled.....
Looking for Mary Poppins. No big deal, just make believe, read, play, cook healthy organic meals do arts projects and transport my kids back and forth from school three days a week. We decided to not go back to the school that is three seconds away because for lack of a better word, it is hard around the edges. Most of the kids are immigrants from the homeless shelter or just in the area. You have really wealthy families on one side and dirt poor on the other. The dirt poor is the majority and the wealthy is the minority simply because this area has the highest gay population in Salt Lake. So here we are in the mix, we look like we are okay but we are really dirt....hum let's be positive, monetarily challenged mixed with foreseeable optimism with Kurt in school and just have four kids so we are not the wealthy but not immigrants. We are just the TIKI TRIBE. So we are having the kids go to a statewide highly talked about school 13 blocks away. I had to create a fake lease all for the sake of education, using my friends address in the area and all the while telling the kids that it is okay because it is for their education. HUM! So knowing the situation I knew it was either getting a mothers helper or quiting. No responses came in like I thought so I walked in and gave my notice. It was a wonderful feeling. The owners are very hard to deal with. Your typical egotistical thinking I am better than anyone and more educated because I own three shacks in parking lots that sell coffee kind of guys. Both brothers, both I can't stand. So I was walking on sunshine feeling great when the food I had eaten that morning would not digest and it started rolling around in my lower half..........
what am I going to do!!!!!!!
We need the job, we need the money. So after talking about it for over a year, I decided to jump start my home business. See flier following this message that I am handing out to every neighbor in my area. So I am taking an act of faith and am scared.
I would love anyone's prayer, feelings of good will and positive Karma sent this way.
We are scared.


Stefanie said...

Hey guys! I'm so excited to see you've joined the blogging world. Now I can keep in touch with you better. Although I don't get on much any more since Sawyer's been born but I'm getting into more of a rutine so I'm sure I'm be checking in more. Good luck with your business I hope it goes well for you and I'll definitley keep you guys in my prayers. Hopefully if all goes well we'll see you at Christmas. Love you guys!

sachiko said...

Holy cow, woman! Scary, scary. I can't imagine the extra pressure of having the kids. I'm too scared to give my 2 week until I find something else to bring in just a little money. Is the ad the one on the bottom with the homemade organic goods? All I can say is ambitious. I don't even cook homemade goods to last the day, period. You are such a wonderwoman!

sachiko said...

I don't know if you check this thing anymore, but how's about an update chicky?!